Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Baby Onaleiah and the Shining Star


Bloody Tears

You can feel the pain
All the hurt and betray 
The feeling is strong and deep
And yet you never weeped
You held on for far to long
You never cried those happy tears
But yet you alway cared 
All alone...you never feared 
But she was there
She was the one who cared 
In your depression and discrete
She'll never let you faint 
She's seen the cuts and scars 
And yet she still loves you for who you are
You'd stayed strong 
Hiding, nobody noticed you never smiled 
Except the one who cared
Only she's the one who's seen you cry
Crying those bloody tears tonight 

~Selena Gayles

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Eye Opening

   I open my eyes and panic. Jumping out of bed, I can feel my heart beating fast. Looking around the dark room, I turn my head at the clock, the time is now 3:26am. Falling to my side, I cover myself with the blankets and doze back off to sleep. 

   It’s pitch black, the blackness slowly drifts into color and the picture is almost clear enough to see, There’s fire and a house. The picture gets a little clearer and a child starts to scream. It sounded like a little girl’s scream and not just any scream, a scream that calls out for help. I can see everything now, seeing it I wish it was all a blur again. 

  The little girl that was screaming, she was up in the house. It feels as if i’m there. Running to the house, her screaming got louder. I kept running, the heat got intense every minute I got closer. The child stops screaming and I panic, looking  around trying to find a way inside. Rushing to the back on the house, which seemed like the only part on the house that wasn't in flames. Didn't question it. I saw the back door and ran for it. I ran up the steps, my foot got caught under the broken board. Putting my hands out to prevent myself from falling on my face. ‘THUMP!’ Falling to the ground, I held my knee close to me, rolling up my pants to see the scrape.. There’s blood everywhere. Leaving my pants rolled up to let the blood dry. I get up and limp my way to the door. It’s unlocked, but something is putting force on the other side as if something doesn't want me inside. Pushing on the door, using as much force as I can. It still wont budge. 

  Moving away a little, turning the door knob, I slam into the the wooden door. Nothing. Counting to three. One. Two. Three. Slamming into the door on three, the force was let go and I flew into the house, gliding on the floor. Sitting up, I looked around the house, there was smoke everywhere. I got up slowly and walked towards the stairs. Looking up them and taking that first step, the back door slams shut. I jumped back in fear. Feeling my heart beating out of my chest. The little screams again and I book up the steps. When I got to the top the screaming stopped and there’s no more smoke, no fire, as if the house wasn't ever in flames. Looking down the steps. I see nothing but smoke. Turning my head behind me, there was a dark hall, feeling so confused. 

  As I slowly walking down the hall, I came across a room that says Emma on it, decorated with flowers and butterflies, it almost looks like it’s for a five to seven year old girl. Opening the door, it made a creek sound. Walking in, I see pink everywhere, pink walls, bed, and dresser. In the middle of the room is a wooden rocking horse. Going towards the dresser, theirs lays an old music box. I look around, as is i’m checking to see if anyone is there or coming. I pick up the music box, miring it’s beauty. I winded the knob that plays the music three times and a beautiful sound came out. It was a beautiful ballerina, thin, it had a chip on the tip of the slipper. Setting back in it place while it played, I walked around the room, on the bed was a teddy bear, it looked worn out and there was a hole in the bottom of it’s foot, walking towards the bed, the floor creaked with every step. I sat on the bed and looked at the bear, the closer i would get the more tension there was, the more tense things got. It was like it was trying to tell me something. Putting my hand out, reaching for the bear, closer and closer, a little girl screams again and something slaps my hand. Jumping back in fear, I fell off the bed, landing on my back, not making a sound. The screams gets louder, covering my ears and closing my eyes hoping it will stop. The scream begins to dim down and suddenly stop. I wait to open my eyes, taking a deep breath, I count to three. One. Two. Three. Opening my eyes I choke up. Over at the bed was a little girl sitting there, holding the bear on her lap. Trying to stay quiet, not even making a breathing sound. She looks about six years old, wearing a white nightgown and had one sock her foot. Her hair was up in pink-tails. The little ghost girl slowly looked up in my direction. I stared back into her hollow eyes. The girl looks almost familiar. I open my  mouth to speak, but as soon as I do, she stands up and walks past me, as if she doesn't see me. My heart races and I watch her walk through the wall. Looking over by the bed, the bear was in its place. I tensely look around, wondering if she saw me or not and why she didn't try to hurt me, trying not to think about it too much but it was hard not to. All of a sudden my head starts to hurt and I hear noises. I closed my eyes and tugged on my hair. It was driving me crazy, it all wouldn't go away. I focused a little, keeping my eyes closed, a clear but not so clear picture came to mind. A quick play of a little girl’s laughter ran through my head and she’s holding a bear. The vision goes away and I feel myself choking up again. Looking at the bed with the bear on it, knowing it means something but I can’t figure out what. Pounding sounds come from the wall behind me. I jumped to my feet and looked over in the corner. ‘ BANG! BANG! BANG!’ I moved toward the door. The sound got tense. Feeling myself about to panic as I look around the room, hoping nothing is there. I turn around and run to the door, with a quick open I was out of the room with in second, making my way out the door, the door slams behind me. leaning against the door, letting my heart dim down a little. The banging stops and I turn around, looking at the door. 

  “Emma?” I question myself, as if the name does sound familiar, but I can't make out who I know with the name Emma.  I turn my head down the hall and take a deep breath, continuing walking down the hall, I turned to a dark corner and began to continue walking.  A few steps into the hall, someone runs through one wall to another right in front of me. I freeze, my heart beats faster, my eyes widen and I feel myself not being able to move almost as if I'm paralyzed, I don't fight it. Trying to make out what I saw couldn't tell who or what it was I just knew it was there. 

  After a few minutes I finally get the courage to move. I walked down the hallway ahead of me is another room there was smoke coming out from the bottom of the door. I turn around trying to run back but as soon as I turned around there was a wall there. " That wasn't there before." I said in fear. Taking a big gulp I turned back around and walked towards the door. When I got to the door I stood in front of it reaching for the doorknob my heart started to race. Turning the knob and pushing on the door,  The door swings open I look around, before going inside. It looks like a grownups room, there was a vanity on one side of the room, a big bed in the center of the other wall, and a wooden dresser. The room was beautiful, I stepped inside and took a better look. Shutting the door behind me, looking around, the stuff looked familiar. I walked towards the vanity and pulled out the stool and sat down on it looking at myself in the mere. Staring tensely behind me through the mirror I felt that I am not the only one in the room. A sudden cold brushed across my shoulder and I jumped back in panic. Looking around the room nothing seem to be here but even I knew that wasn't true. Hanging over the bed with a beautiful dress. It looked about ankle-length the sleaze, went about halfway on arm length and it sprinkled on the chest area. Knowing I shouldn't touch things after the last incident I just couldn't buy back my curiosity and I began to walk towards the dress. Reaching for the dress I grab it and walk towards the vanity holding it up against me to see how it looked, I suddenly heard sobbing coming from the bed. Not making a sound I gently turn my head over towards the bed. Looking at the corner of my eye I see you woman.  A woman crying, she he looks like someone I knew. Not moving I close my eyes tight and turn back to the mirror. Taking a deep breath I open my eyes and turn to the bed again. Nothing was there. I smiled in relief and turn back to the vanity. As I looked into the mirror I choked up. The lady on the bed was suddenly behind me, she was still sobbing. Looking through the mirror I saw her hand raise next thing a sudden cold it was on my shoulder again as her hand laid upon my shoulder. Not moving, questioning why she hasn't done anything yet. I will look into arise feeling the connection, the tension was strong. I smiled at her she looked like she tried to smile back but as soon as she did a loud scream came from the hall and both our smiles dropped. The door swing open and I fell to the ground crawling underneath the bed. It sounded like there was a man in the room. Like the two were fighting. I peaked from under the bed all I saw were there feet. The man was screaming at her for something. 'SLAP!' I heard, I packed as far as I could underneath the bed and close my eyes again. Trying not to panic. I close my eyes and saw a blob of color the picture tries to make its way to my mind. I focus. It begin to get clear. A man and a woman, a woman just like the one I had saw on the bed and then the mayor. They were fighting he got closer and slapped her and she fell to the ground and hit something then passed out. Hey Lulu candle is on the ground. I opened my eyes and listen to the silence. The yelling had stopped and I peaked under the bed. Nobody was there or so I thought. Crawling out from under the bed I stood to my feet. I looked around not making a sound. Everything seemed to be as it was, The dress was hanging neatly over the bed, The stool is back underneath the vanity. I stood in the middle of the hollow room and think for a minute. 

  The air was still, the night so perfect but dark. I walked over to the door. As I open the door I turn around the marrying the creepy beauty to the room and back to Al and shutting the door behind me. I looked down the dark hall again. 

  Thinking, what more can come my way. This night couldn't get any more interesting and creepy, until I came to s dead end, there was a wooden door with my name on it. Tension filled the hall. "Do I dare to go when and if I do like him back out?" all these thoughts ran through my mind. I walk to the door,  go and took a deep breath I open the door and walked inside looking around I knew this room right away. It was mine, from when I was six years old. On my bed was the same teddy bear that was in the first room. My mind was going wild. Feeling myself about to break down. Everything was coming back, but why now? I looked at my bed it was my princess bed, in the corner was my rocking-horse, a similar music box white upon my green dresser. I fall to my knees and saw the tears ran down my face like a race on competition day. I close my eyes, everything was clear. 

  A long play ran through my head I saw me and my twin sister peeking through the crack of our parents door, mom and dad were fighting again. Emma would close her eyes and cover her years to make it all go away. I would rent a room and grab her teddy bear it would always called her down. We continue to sit outside mother and father's. Emma made A sudden bang on the wall and dad came barging to the door. Slamming it in our face and locking it. We heard a sudden bank as if someone hit something. me and Emma pushed and hit on the door. The door let loose and we ran inside. Mother was lying unconsciously on the floor, dad ran past us out the room. I ran after him and stopped by tracks on the bottom steps. As I watch father put on his coat he looked back at me and open the front door. We made a connection. He slammed the door behind him and all the candles on the table by the front door fell, catching everything on fire and soon before you knew it the house was about to go in flames. I rushed up the steps. "Emma!Mama!" I yelled repeatedly. As I got up to the room and the looked at me with sorrow eyes. "Mama won't wake up." Emma cried. I knew without mama at the moment we weren't going to. Mean Emma said bye mama and close arise knowing that the house was up in flames. Is slowly begin to get dark and I can feel myself passing out. A few hours later I woke up and looked around. I was in the hospital when the doctor told me mama and Emma was dead. I was angry that the smoke had gone into their system and it was too late to get it out... 

  Open my eyes my shirt was filled with tears I looked up and saw mama and Emma on my bed, they smile at me.mama walked up to me and kiss my. They both held hands. Smiled and disappeared. At that moment I knew that I didn't need to be angry anymore that I was supposed to make it. 

  ' BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!' I woke up and turned over, turning off my alarm. I sat up sitting on my bed looking around the room. I turn my head to the side of me and I saw my teddy bear, that was buried with mama, it was next to me? I looked up and there was Emma at the foot of my bed. She looks so beautiful like the way she would've looked now if she was still alive. smiling at her as I whisper thank you, for right then and there I truly knew she was looking out for me. She nodded and walked through my wall waving goodbye.